The Nature Gradation

A Private House Embracing Nature in Minoh, Japan

A private house for a young couple, located on the northern hill of Minoh City, within Osaka, Japan.

Despite the rapid development in the area and its rich natural environment, many houses in Minoh have failed to capture the essence of the local character. However, the Nature Gradation project, designed by Yasuyuki Kitamura, aims to highlight the relationship between humans and nature while embracing the natural qualities of the surroundings.

Questioning the nature of modern housing, Kitamura strategically placed the building at the suburban boundary between urban and nature. The specific location allows the inhabitants to form a close relationship with the environment. The north side of the site faces a community vegetable garden, while the blue shell mountain is visible in the background. The south side faces a road, while to the east and west, the site opens to the neighboring dwelling units.

The Nature Gradation stands out as a unique private house that seamlessly blends with its natural surroundings. The deep eaves of the light roof extend the interior, creating an ambiguous space filled with nested nooks and crannies. A pair of openings visually connect the outside with the center of the building, while a large top light allows the green of the trees and the blue sky to penetrate through. The curtains on the outside adjust the sunlight and line of sight, and the two pillars, resembling standing trees, give a sense of security to the generous space.

With a site area of 210.10 square meters and a total floor area of 81.15 square meters, the Nature Gradation features a wooden frame as its main structure. The design not only focuses on aesthetics but also incorporates earthquake-resistant technology, meeting the requirements of an earthquake-resistant rating of 3. Additionally, the house boasts excellent insulation performance, ensuring a serene atmosphere within.

The project began its design phase in July 2018, with construction commencing in December 2019. By April 2020, the Nature Gradation was completed and ready for use by the City of Minoh. The house has received accolades for its outstanding design, including the Bronze A' Design Award in the Architecture, Building, and Structure Design category in 2021.

The Nature Gradation is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature. It serves as a reminder that even in a fast-developing world, it is possible to create homes that not only provide shelter but also celebrate the beauty of the natural environment.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yasuyuki Kitamura
Image Credits: photo:Masashige Akeda video:Tanpan studio
Project Team Members: Client: Shuhei Kimura, Architect: Yasuyuki Kitamura, Structural Engineering: Takuma Togo, Landscape: Akihiro Oku, Builder: Takada Corporation, Site manager: Masato Hino, Photographs: Masashige Akeda, Video:Tanpan studio
Project Name: The Nature Gradation
Project Client: Yasuyuki Kitamura

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